Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Doctor Visit

The other day I took the boys to the doctor. When I went to pick up the boys from school they were both still napping. Tristan started to cry when I told him that he'd probably have to get a shot. Tristan's stats: 39 pounds & 43.5 inches. Landon's stats: 26 pounds & 32.75 inches. They are both at the 25% percentile for their height and weight (which means that 75% of kids their age are heavier and taller than them) . Basically I have short and skinny kids. I'm not surprised about the weight, but I'm still surprised that they are so short. Both Jason and I are taller than average (I think). At my tallest I was 5'7" and Jason is about 6'1" or 2". It turns out that Tristan did not need a shot (which he was very thankful for). But Landon did. I got to hold him down while the nurse gave it to him in the thigh. I was so proud of him cause he only wimpered for a millisecond. Tristan got to do a hearing and vision test. He did average on the hearing and excellent on the vision test. He also had to provide a urine sample. This was not easy. The doctor's office has a nice size restroom with a regular toilet, a mini toilet, and a changing table. Well not only did I have to hold the cup while T gave his sample but I had to keep Landon from touching the other toilet and unraveling all toilet paper. I needed five arms at one point. And after all that I think T got more pee on the wall than in the cup. And just when I thought the appointment was all over and done with they ask that we go to the lab down the street so Landon can give a blood sample. My heart just about stopped beating as I was thinking in my head about how I was going to keep a very active two year old still long enough for a blood sample. Well Landon was absolutely perfect. Just some minor wiggling that I was able to control with help from Tristan keeping him distracted and only a small wimper when they took the needle out. He actually cried more later that day when I took the band-aid off his arm.
All in all I am the proud mother of two healthy and active little boys.

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Baby is Now 2 - HOLY COW!!

I can't believe it's been two years since my little boy was born. I remember exactly where I was at 12am on July 18th 2007. I was stepping out of my house on the way to the hospital shortly after my water broke at home. And yes, Landon was born exactly on his due date, which I here only happens like 5% of the time. Two years later he's a walking talking little terror of a monkey but I love him just the same.

The day (his actual second birthday) started off with my mom and dad picking up both boys and taking them to the park, Kids Concepts, and back to their house for a nap. This was a present in and of itself to me because it allowed me to straighten up the house and run last minute errands kid-free. Then at six pm guests arrived and the party commenced. It was no huge shibang like we've thrown before, we wanted to keep it low key due to a more limited budget and fewer number of guests able to attend. The kids went back and forth from playing on the train table that we moved to the living room to the swingset outside. Then it was the usual cake and presents. Here are some of the pics:

Playing with Grandpa at Kids Concepts

Playing with all the balloons.

He's not really that tall he was standing on a chair. I had to hold his hands cause he wanted to touch the fire.

Mmmm....yummy cake

Some of our friends who celebrated with us, Hoa & Landen, and MacKenzie & Lacey.

For more pictures, visit my page on facebook

The Joys of WalMart

So I went to the local WalMart last week to pick up some essentials. After I parked and was less than 20 feet from my car, a very energetic young woman comes running up to me. She had a clipboard and a backpack. I tried to ignore her because I figured she either wanted to sell something or have me sign a petition. She just started walking right along side me and said "Let's chat and walk together." I just gave her a who-the-hell-are-you-look, but it didn't scare her off. Then she went into a whole schpeel about some scholarship mumbo jumbo and I quickly interupted her and said "I have no money on me", which was true, because I hardly ever carry cash, and even if I did I wouldn't be giving it to a complete stranger. She continued on about it being a donation and I said "I still don't have any money on me." I started to walk off faster and I think she finally got the hint. Then as I reached the end of the parking aisle this man walking out of the store gave me an up and down look and made a kissy sound. I was so disgusted and yelled "F**K OFF" at him. By now I'm really in a bad mood and haven't even made it in the store. Then right as I'm about to enter the store a young boy tries to get me to buy a chocolate bar for $3. If it hadn't been for the good deals I got in the store (school uniform shirts for only $5) I would consider never going to WalMart again.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tristan - Six and a half

Tristan was very excited to here that today he was officially six and a half years old. He likes when there is dew on the car windows and always ask that I right a 6 on his window. You should have seen his face when I added a 1/2 to it. Other things happening with Tristan are:

  • 7 weeks till school starts. I need to spend the next few weeks stocking up on school uniforms and all the new supplies he'll need. This will be Tristan's first experience in a real school environment. His first day lets out at noon, so I'm going to take the morning off and drive him there myself, participate in the morning worship, take him to McD's for lunch, and then let him hang out at my work for the rest of the day.

  • Tomorrow is his field trip to "Up" at the El Capitan in downtown Los Angeles. He has been patiently waiting to see this movie since it premiered about a month ago. He is doubly excited since daddy will be one of the chaperones. The next and last summer school field trip will be next month to a marionette theater.

  • He is not looking forward to next week's yearly dr checkup. I called and found out that he'll be getting two shots. I am going to have to ask that he get them at the same time, cause after the first one he'll be kicking and screaming if he had to get another. And now that I think of it I'll have to ask that they do the same for Landon now that he's in the hitting phase.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

First Post

I always wanted to start my own blog. I've used Myspace and Facebook but they don't have very good blogging capabilities. They are more like mini-blogs. Plus I wanted to have a blog that my non-FB friends and family could see without having to be my "friend", like Dad :)

This first blog is also a test to see if a post will show up on my FB page that I attempted to connect.

I'm attaching the most recent photo of myself that Tristan took of me a week ago in Idaho.