Monday, July 27, 2009

My Baby is Now 2 - HOLY COW!!

I can't believe it's been two years since my little boy was born. I remember exactly where I was at 12am on July 18th 2007. I was stepping out of my house on the way to the hospital shortly after my water broke at home. And yes, Landon was born exactly on his due date, which I here only happens like 5% of the time. Two years later he's a walking talking little terror of a monkey but I love him just the same.

The day (his actual second birthday) started off with my mom and dad picking up both boys and taking them to the park, Kids Concepts, and back to their house for a nap. This was a present in and of itself to me because it allowed me to straighten up the house and run last minute errands kid-free. Then at six pm guests arrived and the party commenced. It was no huge shibang like we've thrown before, we wanted to keep it low key due to a more limited budget and fewer number of guests able to attend. The kids went back and forth from playing on the train table that we moved to the living room to the swingset outside. Then it was the usual cake and presents. Here are some of the pics:

Playing with Grandpa at Kids Concepts

Playing with all the balloons.

He's not really that tall he was standing on a chair. I had to hold his hands cause he wanted to touch the fire.

Mmmm....yummy cake

Some of our friends who celebrated with us, Hoa & Landen, and MacKenzie & Lacey.

For more pictures, visit my page on facebook

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